Have you ever been really excited about something? Excited that you lost a few pounds, really excited because you are going on a trip, really excited that you got a promotion at work. I’m super excited that I started this website and accomplished this huge task. I out sourced most of the website development due to the lack of interest and rejection every time I asked the techy people in my office(they do this for a living)for services. Oh well, message sent loud and clear. Does anyone really care?

What I’m really trying to say is have you ever been super excited about something and you have nobody to share it with? That’s how I feel about this website. I am thankful that I have all of you guys to share it with. I just hope that you know that I will be successful and I’m the only one that can define my success. Yes, it would be nice to have a cheerleader or a mentor but again life’s not perfect and we don’t all have cheerleaders.
Growing up my family consisted of 7 people. I had very few cheerleaders in my life but I did have several teachers that I absolutely loved. I know that they were proud of me and they made an impact on who I am today. I was fortunate to recognize that these teachers inspired me to do my best. Looking back I would have considered them my cheerleaders.

What is so profound is that many of us live in our own bubble and we don’t pay attention to what is going on in the lives of our friends or family. I do believe we all get busy and from time to time and we forget about connecting with important people in our lives. I’m not gonna lie, it hurts that there is no real interest in what I am doing. This disinterest is not always intentional but it happens with so much frequency in today's world that our mental health can take a beating. Being an empath provokes me to ask "does no one care"?

It can be taxing to be your own cheerleader but the goal is to shift your focus so that it empowers you to take a positive step towards better mental health.
Here is my advice for keeping our thoughts in perspective.
Keep in mind:
Not everyone shares in your enthusiasm. There are different levels of interest and excitement.
Find common ground. Find a connection between your interest and theirs.
Keep the information brief to maintain interest
Focus on you and your enjoyment. Share with those who would be more receptive to your news.
Consider the source. Is this person always negative?
Work on locating your Tribe
Be your own Cheerleader

I know for fact, that my mother was my cheerleader. She was there everyday for me. She shared in all my experiences good and bad. I am so thankful. Even though she could not always say "I am proud of you" she wrote many notes and cards. She did little things on a daily basis that indicated she cared. It hurts me to know that she is no longer with me to share in my blog.
I had an epiphany recently, y'all know I am not a writer but my mother was pretty good at it. Mom was blogging before it was vogue. She started journaling in the early 2000's. I have all of her journals she started for me, my sister, my niece and nephew. I want y'all to know I have not read a one yet. I'm SCARED. I have not had the courage to even look at them. They are buried in a box. One day when I reach that point, I know I will need y'alls support because I will be overcome with emotion. My mental health will be challenged.
Perhaps it was meant for me to start a blogging website. Is is possible that my mother is still being my cheerleader from the heavens above? I certainly think she is!
My advice to you is to find the one person who truly cares about you and tell them how much you appreciate them in your life!
Why does no one care? Well, I am thankful my mother did!
"Like mother, like daughter" we shall see......
Until next time......

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