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"What Is Wrong With Me? Understanding and Improving Our Mental Health"


I know y'all have asked yourself this question more than once in your life. I did just today. I went over to my university to get coffee and I was greeted with the most pathetic, disinterested look from my barista. The message sent was "I don't want to be here today." Really? You again? She just looked at me like "what do you want?"

nothing is wrong with being you
As a coffee enthusiast I have black coffee daily!

Now, I have ordered the same black coffee for years from this barista without the slightest change. To say that I am familiar with her normal upbeat personality who all the students love would be true. However, over the last several months she has been hot and cold toward me. Now, here is where the question comes in "what is wrong with me"? The answer... absolutely nothing. We all have our days, months, and seasons. I know I sure do and have. We take things like today's experience to heart. We personally start to question our own behavior. I know I left thinking what the heck did I do to warrant this unhappiness from her. The answer is NOTHING. Do not let others rob you of your JOY!

Do not let others rob you of your JOY!
Whatever brings you Joy, Do It!!!

It was right after the summer of '08 and I had to make a financial change. I had left a commercial financial institution for the second time earlier that year to go work again in real estate.

Oh no ...some of you experienced the housing market crash that came on like a raging bull that summer it was fast and furious. I had to do something, I was hemorrhaging money. I had to find a job quickly and the only thing I had experience with was banking and finances. I called in a favor to interview with a local credit union and I got the job. Looking back it was probably the hardest 5 years of my working career I have ever experienced.

Shortly after I started, I said to myself "what is wrong with me?" My coworkers just don’t like me. It wasn’t the customers that didn’t like me it was my coworkers. Looking back on this period in my life, I realized I was out of my element. I took a job that was lesser than me. I undersold myself. I came to find out that my coworkers were such toxic people and basically it boiled down to nonexistent management. Not having a captain of the ship allows for mutiny and let me tell you the lack of respect for authority was evident. I had coworkers equal to me bossing me around. There was gossip and insubordinate behavior in the workplace on a weekly basis. The branch even had a lunch time affair going on. Holy crap! What had I gotten myself into?

Those days were challenging to where I really believe my coworkers were just unhappy people. They viewed me as different from them, so the onset of passive aggressive behavior developed immediately. I was treated with disrespect, envy, arrogance and many other toxic behavior traits. Constantly, I would asked myself "What is wrong with me??" THE ANSWER IS ....... NOTHING! Do not let others try to define you!

no jealousy in team; drop the ego
Coworkers are not all team players

I do believe from this learning experience that most of those coworkers at the time had no idea how miserable they were making me. I truly believe that with the toxic work environment and no leadership that they too were miserable. Just like the barista, most of us have issues in our personal lives and so instead of wiping it off on the doormat every morning before you enter the workplace we tend to bring it with us. I know some of y'all have been in those work situations or you may be currently. My advice to you is look for other employment opportunities. I am here for you! My mental health suffered so much that I was walking negativity. The one thing that kept me going those years were my clients. They were fantastic and some of them witnessed the treatment first hand. Remember be who you are and own it.

women supporting women
Be a Role Model and a Mentor for other women

Somedays life is hard but instead of being so self absorb at times think about supporting and embracing each other. Women tend to be very short sided when it comes to embracing our own. Why are we so jealous of each other? We should be a unit of support for each other. The most positive contribution we can give one another is to lead by example. Choose to be a role model and mentor especially for our young females friends. I am still looking for my mentor. I relish the day someone wants to be my cheerleader. We have choices and I chose to ignore the ugly and be here in a positive light for those who need me. I want to leave this world being proud of myself. Remember be YOU!

Until next time.......

Find one thing to give thanks for today
Find happiness and joy in your day

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