Do not call me love, do not call me sweetheart, do not call me honey, or sweetie!
Those names are reserved for my southern grandma to use. If you are over the age of 90 then you can use these endearing names but otherwise, I am not your f*cking love!

I just had a young Gen Z call me love. No! Totally inappropriate! I went to the CVS to make a purchase and she failed to realize I am a customer. I do not care how old you are these names are inappropriate for anyone to be calling their customers. This verbage is unprofessional, condescending, and disrespectful! This behavior indicates a lack of manners and etiquette. You can call me miss, ma'am, but not f*cking love! I loathe these stupid titles society is using and making acceptable. I believe in today's world you should not graduate high school or college or any higher education institution until you go through a proper etiquette class. In the real world you need to learn manners, everyday finance, interviewing skills, work place skills and other life skills. UGGH
This situation caused my temper to flare up immediately and therefore, my anxiety increased immensely. I was so ticked off I had to go straight to my office (safe zone) to journal. I will not lie sometimes it's 30 minutes or more before I can reset.

During a recent visit to the department store jewelry counter, I intended to purchase a pair of earrings. However, the sales ladies were engrossed in a conversation and failed to acknowledge me as a customer. Despite their mature age, they did not display proper etiquette. After some time, one of them finally mentioned that there was a customer waiting. The unprofessional clerk then asked if I needed help, to which I replied that I would appreciate assistance once they had finished their discussion. As I was completing my purchase, she remarked, "I like you." This juvenile behavior felt rather absurd - are we back in elementary school? I found her compliment to be insincere and unnecessary. In frustration, I thought to myself, "What on earth? How ridiculous." I refrained from showing my discontent fully, but the situation could have escalated if I had decided to act like a Karen. I was so frustrated after my purchase I went straight to my car and drove home. A lot of times for me I have to remove myself completely from the situation and go immediately to my safe spaces. As you all know my sanctuary is my home. It's the best place for me to go to quiet my mind and allow myself to decompress and reset.

If you assert yourself, you might be called a Karen just because you're 50, but I refuse to conform to that stereotype. Society shouldn't feel the need to label everyone. I am Tena, Ms. Turner, Miss, or Ma'am - I have a name, and that should be enough. I'm tired of the lack of respect across generations. You can call me names after I walk off, that's your business. I have a voice and I'm not afraid to use it. As I gain mental clarity and improve my health, I will stand up for myself because I do have a backbone. Not every day is like this, and I don't always address what bothers me, but I'm tired of people behaving disrespectfully and their employers turning a blind eye. We're adults, work isn't always enjoyable, but most of us need to work to survive. Remaining small minded means missing out on life's opportunities. To keep myself centered , I'll share some tactics I use when my temper flares up.
I have used all of these tactics listed below to help me reset my day for a better mental experience. It is important to identify your triggers so that you have an action plan in place when you anxiety starts to get out of control. Here are multiple ideas that I find helpful for myself and added links to products I use.
You may need to take a break once your temper flares; walk around a few minutes to decompress, avoidance is key. Give yourself time to reset
Go for a 10 minute walk to relax and collect yourself and thoughts
Step outside to breathe in fresh air
Vent by yelling and screaming where only nature can hear you
Sometimes it's helpful to stomp around and punch a pillow
Hit the gym and put on your boxing gloves
Try meditation, even just 5 minutes can be beneficial for the mind
Reach out to God, a therapist, or a friend
Do something for yourself, enjoy a coffee or a treat like ice cream, chocolate, or chips – indulging is okay sometimes!
Take your dog for a walk if you have one; having a pet is good for our mental well-being
Set achievable goals; sign up for a 5k, attending a pilates class twice a week, complete a project, or eat healthy 3 days a week. Goals help us focus and make progress. A measurable goal can be motivating and achievable allowing for a since of accomplishment

Until next time........
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