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Navigating Life's Challenges: A 50-Year-Old Woman's Perspective on Mental Health


Updated: Jun 25, 2024

the challenges I face with mental health at 50 and what I do to focus on better mental, physical and spiritual health
My First Mental Health Blog about Me at 50

Welcome to my first blog!

Wow my first blog...I'm scared! I am not going to lie.

I decided I was going to start a website talking about my experiences, struggles, and my life. I have real life challenges just like most people that I want to share openly with women so that we as females know we are not alone in our issues. Aging gracefully what's that? How will that look on me? This is where I have to start.

My focus will be on Health in which I am going to incorporate mental, physical, spiritual and financial. Being healthy at 50 is one of the biggest challenges I have taken on. Looking at my life under a microscope and dissecting bits at a time is painful. Focusing on my mental health is a challenge and I want to share with you what it looks like for me at 50.

I am not going to pretend to be a writer my goal and desire it to simply give you my unvarnished truth good, bad, and ugly.

I realized for me turning 50 in 2020 sucked! At the time, my parents, my dog and my husband were all living under one roof and yes, I was on autopilot! I had no idea what my mental, physical, and spiritual health even looked like nor did I care!

I am going to take you on my journey and give you advice, tips, and what I have found to be helpful and not so helpful.

My goal is to make a difference in someone's life! Secretly, I hope that I have a greater impact on women than I ever anticipated.

With all this being said, where do I start???

Since, it's Good Friday and I am sitting in my office wondering where do I begin?

Let's just dive right in!

Sometimes it is rough and my mental health takes a beating...It's a beautiful spring day and I am walking my boy and I just love him. Let me introduce, "the boy", he is a 7 year old standard poodle to whom I refer to as "the boy". We walk every morning rain or shine and I'm thinking ughhh I just want to sleep.

Does this sound familiar?

 gratitude checks daily finding the small things in life that bring us joy and happiness
Gratitude: Lucky to Find 4 leaf clovers

Preventative Care is tough. It's hard for me to put myself first. I would rather take care of everyone else and their needs. Being healthy at 50 is certainly no walk in the park.

Starting my day just seems exhausting now, I am much worse at getting up and honestly I don't want to!! I want to lay in bed where it's warm and safe and I don't have to talk to people. I don't want to engage,ugghh! My mental health challenges have negatively impacted me where I need a plan:

Here is my plan to make improvements towards my mental health:

  • Sleeping: It is so important to help improve mental health and to address my fatigue and improve waking up, I purchased a Phillips Smart Clock

  • Walking: is extremely important to me and to make the most of my walk, it's important to have a good pair of shoes. I personally wear New Balance shoes every day. During my morning walk, I take time to express gratitude. This is when I have a conversation with God, sharing what I am thankful for the most. I find solace in confiding in Him, knowing that my thoughts are safe with Him. Here's a glimpse of my conversation this morning: I thank God for the beautiful day, express love for my son, remember my first poodle Jojo, and feel the absence of my parents. As tears well up, I remind myself to appreciate the time I had with them.

  • Journaling: To prevent being overwhelmed by guilt, stress, and anger, I frequently journal to externalize my thoughts. Since 2020, I have realized that I have more ADHD tendencies than I previously thought, leading to depleted adrenals. I rely on Pure Adrenal Support daily, which has notably reduced my stress and fatigue levels.

  • Brain Dumping: During times of high stress and anxiety, I often find myself waking up at 3 am. Instead of tossing and turning in frustration, I have learned to write down my thoughts to ease my mind and facilitate falling back asleep. Using talk-to-text on my phone, I email these thoughts to myself, allowing me to gain a fresh perspective when I wake up in the morning.

  • Giving Thanks: Gratitude checks are very important to my mental health. By focusing on what I am grateful for during my day allows me to stay grounded and focused on what is in front of me. Staying in the present helps with combating my mental health challenges daily.

My first sip of Coffee is like Heaven and this is one of my many gratitude checks throughout the day
Grateful for my morning!

Well, this concludes my first blog as time goes on I will challenge myself to get better at this, healthy at 50. Each day me goal is to stay present and focus on my mental health challenges.

Hopefully, you will find some peace in your day and enjoy what God has given us.

Until next time!

treating yourself sometimes to a piece of blueberry pie , or ice cream is just a fun way to take a mental break
Do not forget to treat yourself sometimes

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