Following the recent events this past weekend involving the assassination attempt on former President Donald J. Trump, I have experienced additional stressors that have heightened my anxiety, necessitating a reset of my nervous system. Prior to the distressing news, I was managing okay, but the repeated exposure to the event triggered a downward spiral, likely leading to a mild form of depression in these past few days. The absence of my parents for support has left me feeling lost, contributing to poor sleep and difficulty processing my thoughts. As the anniversary of my father's passing approaches, I find myself struggling once more with the associated emotions. To regain control over my thoughts and anxiety, I must focus on resetting my nervous system.

Here is my strategy for resetting my nervous system:
Adequate sleep is essential for your mental and physical health. I personally use different supplements.
Eating properly, limiting sugar, caffeine and focusing on healthier food options such as berries, fish, chicken, pork and some veggies. I find the paleo plan best for me.
Exercising, I choose to walk. This is the best way for me to connect with nature and clear my head from all the noise Here is one of my favorite pair of Asics.
Grounding, get in touch with nature, sunshine, and let your feet walk on those grassy patches that feel so good to your soles in the summer
Yoga, Meditation, Pilates.. find something soothing to help release those bad feelings
Aromatherapy I like doterra essential oils and sage candles
Calming in home spa bath with Dr. Teals epsom salts
Drink plenty of water add lemons, limes, berries, cucumber anything to enhance the experience
Go to your safe space, mine is my house, and car to minus out all the noise
Be social, it is always good to find someone who can listen and truly care and I follow others on Instagram for motivation. Here is a link to motivationaldoc
Journaling, I write emails to myself and voice memos
Find some quiet time with your hobby or a new hobby whether it is baking, cooking, hitting golf balls, painting or reading explore something new to focus on

This blog aims to provide reassurance that you are not alone in neglecting self-care, as many women share the same struggle. It is important to focus on prioritizing your mental, physical, and spiritual well-being. Remember to take time for yourself each day and gradually become more comfortable with this priority. Taking care of yourself is crucial, as no one else will do it for you. Personally, for me, it is a journey to conquer the guilt instilled in me from my upbringing that emphasizes there is no such thing as self care. This learned behavior is challenging to change, but every day brings progress towards self-improvement and self-discovery.
Until next time.......

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